
Test Drive

Try STERISIMPLE in your office!

Contact us for a free trial of STERISIMPLE.  You will receive a fully configured and loaded laptop containing STERISPORE, STERIREADER and STERIRECALL

You’ll also receive a Dymo printer with labels, a barcode scanner and cables for your sterilizers

Simply plug in and go!

Record and report your 3M Autoreader spore tests automatically with STERISPORE.

Automate your cycle logging and get instant labels with STERIREADER.

Track your instrument use effortlessly with STERIRECALL.

All software is fully functional aside from auto-update.  You can have full access to any reports that are generated, including overall reports, to keep for your records.

STERISIMPLE makes it simple.

Reprocessing.  Simplified.

Get to know this straightforward, thorough system and learn how simple things could be.

Email us for a free trial.

Email: admin@sterisimple.ca

Phone/text: 705-529-3837

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